The Successful Mind Booklet

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Glenis Gassmann

Hi, I’m Glenis Gassmann

I've been transforming businesses and lives for over 30 years and seen how the simple use of small incremental changes with proven and tested strategies across multiple areas of your business provides the power of compounding results and accelerated profits. Quite often a 3% shift compounded across multiple areas of a business can provide profits in excess of $100,000.00 and what Business Owner wouldn't want the opportunity to explore these sorts of results for their business ?

From Business Owner/Advisor to Speaker, Business Strategiest to Mentoring Business Coaches to Sustainable success 

I’ve had a rewarding career traversing different industries. At the age of 39 with two small children in tow, I faced the challenge of studies whilst working full time and became a Chartered Accountant to start my own accounting practice. 

The business flourished and grew over the following 10 years and I found myself employing 15 staff. 

From business owner to speaker

I encountered many, many businesses that needed help with their marketing.  So, with focus and determination, I went into marketing. I found my groove in low to no cost measurable marketing strategies, better known as direct response marketing. Measurable, accountable and effective, this was just what my clients needed. I got to work and started educating and coaching business owners to grow with More Customers & More Profits. And GROW they did, together we achieve extraordinary results. I have since been invited to speak at international business coaches conferences to share those results. This has led to invitations to coach other business coaches. I love it, and the coaches are finding More Customers & More Profits for themselves and their clients. 

Inspiring Transformation

Inspiring transformation

Sometimes all a business owner needs is a breakthrough in clarity.

Great things happen quicker when the path is clear. In turn, Clarity leads to FOCUS which enhances our ability to produce extraordinary results. 

In 60 minutes I can teach you all you need to know so you are able to leverage your business and generate more customers and more profits.

This is true for business owners and coaches. I work with both to help them break through their roadblocks to be the best they can be. I help them see a bigger future for themselves.

Combining years of personal development and business experience with the latest marketing tools, my clients transform their businesses and their lives.  My mission is to reduce the worldwide business failure rate. 94% of all businesses fail in their first five years. Without professional assistance, your business may be one of them. That failure decimates your hopes and dreams and attributes to a downward spiral and negative impact on your self-worth which can last a lifetime.  It doesn't have to be that way. Book a time in my calendar and start to take control and create your best business future today. 

Let's talk
Glenis Gassmann

Australia's No.1 Business Strategist


[email protected]

Address : Brisbane QLD 4000