Are You Aiding & Abetting E-Myths?
We are going to embark upon a journey through the world of e-myths and debunk them to help you avoid falling into the e-myth trap. First, let’s take a minute to talk about what an e-myth is. An entrepreneurial myth, or e-myth, is an assumption that anyone can succeed at business with:
Some capital
Projected a targeted profit
This sounds great, but it just not realistic.....
Glenis Gassmann
Gather the Troops
Today I'd like to chat about the different types of support staff you need and what makes them so important. There are essentially three key roles that need to be filled to set your business up for success:
The Technician
The Manager
The Entrepreneur
All of these roles need to be played simultaneously by different people with the right talents. It’s all about balance.
Glenis Gassmann
Expand the Life of Your Business
Today I'm going to talk about the life cycle of a business and how to get the most out of each cycle while also extended the lifespan of your business. The four different stages of a business life cycle are:
Growing Pains
We’ll talk a little about what each of these cycle’s means and how....
Glenis Gassmann
You Turn Me Right 'Round Baby, Right 'Round
The biggest area of turn-key businesses is franchises. There is franchise for ever industry in the world and they are fairly easy to acquire and come with practically a pop out of the box pre-assembled system. McDonald’s is a prime example. In fact, a $40 billion, 28,707 strong example. There are a few things we are going to talk about:
Business Format Franchise
The Franchise Prototype
Franchise Prototype Standards...
Glenis Gassmann
Mortar Makes it Happen
Today I'd like to talk about the three keys to business development and how you can put the right bricks in place to build a solid foundation.
There are three main areas of business development:
1. Innovation
2. Quantification
3. Orchestration
If done well these three areas will help you build a solid foundation for you business. Let’s talk about each one of these for just a minute.
Glenis Gassmann
The Corporate Puzzle
The 7 specific areas you need to consider in your franchise prototype process:
1. Primary Aim
2. Strategic Objectives
3. Organizational Strategy
4. Management Strategy
5. People Strategy
6. Marketing Strategy...
Glenis Gassmann
Australia's No.1 Business Strategist Amongst Coaches